Friday, October 22, 2010

Joe Frey is "Shepherd of the Year"

Joe Frey was voted the Maryland Sheep Breeder Association’s Shepherd of the Year due to his dedication and years of service to MSBA.

Joe is a long-time resident of Washington County. He started out shearing sheep many years ago with his father. He now shears approximately eight hundred head a year and also works a full-time job.

(L-R) Joe Frey, Steve Hobbs, and Joan Hobbs
(image by Debbie Frey)

Joe later became involved with breeding sheep when he and his daughter began showing Dorset sheep at the local fairs. He and his wife Debbie now raise 4-H club lambs and Dorset sheep.

Joe has been active with the Maryland Sheep Breeders Association for many years. He held the office of Vice President for two years and President for three years, with previous terms on the Executive Board.

He is on several Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival committees, spending many hours working at the shepherd equipment auction. He also assists in sorting, weighing, and baling wool at the yearly Maryland Wool Pool.

Provided by Joan Hobbs.  Steve and Joan Hobbs were last year's recipient of the award.

Read related article in The Delmarva Farmer

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