Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rest in fleece

People should be buried in woollen coffins because it is a more environmentally friendly way of being laid to rest, the Prince of Wales has suggested, as part of a new campaign to promote green living.

The Prince asked for the woollen caskets to be put on display in his garden at the opening of a week-long festival to promote sustainable lifestyle choices.

Felted wool coffin

He is said to support the idea. Not only because wool is a natural, sustainable and biodegradable material that will rot away in the earth or can be cremated, but because it supports British farming.

The woollen coffins were launched by Hainsworth Woollen Mills last summer and already more than 500 have sold. The patented line is now being sold in Europe and the US and will soon be available in Australia and New Zealand.

Read full article at 

Thanks to Kelly Cole for suggesting the link.

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