So when administering moxidectin by subcutaneous injection, use the cattle dose which is on the label (0.09 mg/lb; 0.2 mg/kg; 21 day meat withdrawal ) This is the one exception with goats where a dewormer should be administered orally and where the regular label dose (not 2 times the dose) should be used.
However, it is still OK to administer moxidectin orally to goats (just not preferred). But if an individual has a personal preference to administer moxidectin orally to goats, then the sheep oral drench at a 2X dose (0.18 mg/lb; 0.4 mg/kg) should be given.
Source: Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (SCSRPC) - wormx.org
**No formulation of moxidectin is FDA-approved for use in goats. If a animal drug is not used in accordance with its label, its use requires veterinary approval.