Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wool and Grain LDP Preparation

unloading wool at the Maryland Wool Pool
Wool and grain producers need to remember that if they plan to apply for loan deficiency payments (LDPs) for wool, unshorn pelts, and/or grain crops, it's important to complete the CCC 633-EZ page one before losing beneficial interest in the commodity.

Producers should complete page one of the EZ form as soon as possible for their current crop year wool, unshorn pelts, and grain crops. After page one is completed, producers can request benefits at any time during the period that loans or LDPs are available, before or after losing beneficial interest.

The CCC-633 EZ simplifies requests for LDPs for wool, mohair, and unshorn pelts. Page four of the revised EZ form is specifically for wool and mohair producers to request an LDP.

Source: Washington Co. News, Farm Service Agency, February 2007.

Wool and Mohair Marketing Loan and LDP Program
CCC 633-EZ form
Instructions for filling out CCC 633-EZ

East Region LDP rates