Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Online FAMACHA© Certification

As part of a Northeast SARE grant, the University of Rhode Island will be offering online training for FAMACHA© certification.

Online FAMACHA© certification can be obtained through a 4-step process:
  1. View 2 hour video on Integrated Parasite Control and our 30 minute video, Why and How To Do FAMACHA© Scoring.  Complete an online post-video summary.
  2. Practice the Cover, Push, Pull, POP! technique.
  3. Record and email us a video of your FAMACHA© scoring technique.
  4. Follow-up by phone and/or email as needed.  Live video sessions can be utilized if needed.
Cover - Push - Pull - Pop
Once this certification process is complete, you will be able to purchase a FAMACHA© card.  Visit our website for detailed instructions including contacts for more information, http://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/famacha/.

For those producers that are already FAMACHA© certified, our online videos serve as an excellent refresher on integrated parasite management as well as the FAMACHA© system including hands-on demonstration of the proper scoring technique.


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