Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do your sheep have footrot?

University of Maine Cooperative Extension is partnering with other Northeast states to recruit sheep flocks for a new SARE1-funded Sheep Foot Health Project.The purpose of the project is to help producers eliminate footrot from their flocks and keep it from reoccurring.

Visit the Sheep Foot Health Project web site at to learn more about the project and the benefits and requirements of flock participation.

An application packet is available on the web site.  All information submitted by participants about their flock and farm will be held in strict confidence.

Though only a limited number of sheep flocks can be active participants in the project, all sheep and goat producers will benefit from the educational programs and materials that the Sheep Foot Health Project will generate in the next several years.

Footrot is one of the most insidious diseases affecting sheep and goats.  It is both preventable and curable. It presents itself as lame animals, animals that kneel to graze, or animals with hoof separation.

1 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

Sheep Footrot Health Research & Education Project
Apply to participate in the Sheep Foot Health Project

Maryland Small Ruminant Foot Health Page

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