Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Delmarva Goat Association

The Delmarva1 Goat Association was organized in April 2007. It currently has about 40 members, comprised of adult as well as youth producers and exhibitors of meat goat, dairy goat, and Pygmy goats.

goats at Delaware State UniversityThe Delmarva Goat Association's mission statement is to promote the education, breeding, showing, and marketing of all breeds of goats within the Delmarva region, through networking, professional seminars, clinics, breeding and marketing services, and sanctioned shows.

Goat Field Day on April 5
The association's first large event will be a Goat Field Day on Saturday, April 5, 2008, in Camden-Wyoming, Delaware. The field day will feature seminars conducted by professional educators and nationally-recognized breeders. In addition, there will be a small auction, raffle, and private treaty sales.

The goal of the field day is to provide a well-rounded experience to our youth, as well as adults, who are interested in goats for pleasure or business. For more information about the Delmarva Goat Association and field day, contact Kim Vincent at kimv.1@netzero.net.

Download program flyer for field day (PDF)

Information provided by Kim Vincent and Ed Moore.

1Delmarva is an acronym for Delaware/Maryland/Virginia.