Friday, March 2, 2012

International Goat Conference

The 2012 International Conference on Goats will be held September 23-27 in the Canary Islands. While part of Spain, the Canary Islands are situated off the North-Coast of mainland Africa (Morocco).

There are 330,000 goats dispersed among the seven islands that comprise the Canary Islands. By way of comparison, there are only 360,000 dairy goats in the United States.

Ninety-nine percent of the goats are dairy goats, of which there are four recognized breeds. The goats are milked once per day. Almost all of the milk is used to make traditional cheese that is consumed mainly in the islands. 

The International Conference on Goats is held every 4 years in a different part of the world. The conference brings together scientists, farmers, and other stakeholders who are involved in goat farming and sustainable development. The International Goat Association is one of the sponsors.

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