Monday, February 20, 2012

How coccidiostats work

In the U.S., three anticoccidial agents are FDA-approved for use in sheep and/or goats:  Bovatec, Rumensin, and Deccox.  Bovatec is approved for use in sheep in confinement. Rumensin is approved for use in confined goats.  Deccox is approved for young, non-lactating sheep and goats.

Deccox (decoquinate) is a coccidiostat that stops the growth of coccidia, but does not kill coccidia. It works by inhibiting the activity of the cell's mitochrondria, interfering with energy production in the cell. Deccox acts at five developmental stages of coccidia, and provides the widest range of action of all the anticoccidial agents.

Bovatec (lasalocid) is a coccidiocide that kills coccidia. It is an ionophore that moves potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium into the cell, causing the cell to burst. Bovatec works primarily on a single developmental stage of coccidia, providing a narrower range of action than Deccox.

Like Bovatec, Rumensin (monensin) is an ionophore and effective anticoccidial agent. Though their modes of action differ, similar levels of coccidia control have been achieved with Bovatec and Deccox in research studies.

Source: Deccox vs. Bovatec, Merrick's

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