Saturday, October 11, 2014

Online Sheep Management Education

Continuing with providing various delivery methods of educational information, the Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program launched online courses so sheep enthusiasts can keep current in the comfort of their own home or office.

The most popular course is the Introduction to Sheep Management course (LWMP 1001).  This course is the online version of the successful home study course that provides an overview of annual sheep management. 

Other online course offerings include:
•    Equipment and Facilities (LWMP 1202)
•    Introduction to Sheep Health (LWMP 1300)
•    Ewe Ration Formulation (LWMP 1502)
•    Wool Characteristics and Properties (LWMP 1701)

Online sheep management courses are an excellent opportunity for youth and adults to learn more about sheep production within their own home or community.  These courses are offered each fall.  Registration continues until the middle of October. 

The Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program is a sheep management education/consulting program offered by Minnesota West Community and Technical College located at Pipestone, Minnesota.

For more information visit the Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program web page at or contact one of the Lamb and Wool instructors: Philip Berg at or  (507) 825-6799; or Mike Caskey at or (507) 825-6808.

To register for one of the on-line courses contact Sue Lovell at (507) 847-7929 or

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